The Understudies

the book club that wants to read books in order to sharpen the grey matter as we force it to grapple with issues of faith.

Chapter 3 Background: Jewish Roots and Soil

What quote stands out as one you most identify with?

What quote is most profound to you?

Respond to this quote:

It was against this background that I, like other Jews, would have judged Jesus' statements about legalism, about Sabbath-keeping, and about the temple. How could I reconcile my repspect for family values with a comment like, "If anyone comes to me and doesn not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters...he cannot be my disciple"? What could Jesus possibly mean?...Jesus' offer to forgive a person's sin seemed to them as bizarrely inappropriate as a private individual today offering to issue a passport or a building permit. Who did he think he was, preempting the entire temple system?


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